By D.Ardis Parte
Occasionally, good intentions alone will not pry you out of bed on a fine spring morning. When you find yourself reviewing your favorite rides in your head, and then rolling over to go to sleep, it is time for drastic intervention. One tried and true technique for attaining any desired behavior is to reward even faltering attempts profusely.
The WOMBATON is an auto-motivational device based on an old (carrot-and-stick) technology with a high-tech twist: the fanciest metabolite-replacement module available (fig bars will do in a pinch) hangs just out of reach of the rider's lips, assuring a sustained and enthusiastic show of energy.When the (self-deluded) subject returns from the ride, the WOMBATON[tm]is released and the proto food dispensed.
Along with the food, it is important to suspend a titch of disbelief,as it is useless to chase something down that one suspects can be obtained some easier way...
Getting out the door in fine weather is much, much easier than in wet or cold weather. But get out there you must, if you know what's good for you. Consider foul-weather riding as a sort of preventive measure, an insurance policy against possible future overuse injury when spring-time exuberance overrides common sense. In order to ride through stormy periods (meteorologicalor otherwise), I make it a point to drag out some friends to suffer along with me-it's amazing what miserable conditions people will put up with,as long as they're secure in the knowledge that others are just as bad off.